• Chief Rabbi Warren Goldstein
Current Chief Rabbi of South Africa and a global Jewish leader. Often referred to as a ‘spiritual entrepreneur’ he has launched and led a number of innovative social projects with global reach and impact. Locally, his Bill of Responsibilities – adopted by the Department of Education and taught in schools nationwide – has shown a new generation of young South Africans the importance of compassion, and respect for the dignity and wellbeing of others. CAP, a unique community-driven crime-fighting initiative that protects 30,000 homes and upwards of 250,000 people, and has reduced contact crime in its area of operation by between 80 and 90 percent and Sinai Indaba, the largest annual Torah convention of its kind. Two of his local projects have been embraced and championed by world-Jewry: Generation Sinai, an annual family learning experience as well as The Shabbat Project which unites Jews annually in over 1000 cities on an unprecedented scale. The youngest person to ever be elected to the position, Chief Rabbi Goldstein is a strong advocate for creative, proactive leadership and effective partnership to find unique solutions to the challenges of our time.
• Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi
Recently voted one of Israel’s most influential women, Rabbanit Yemima Mizrachi is gracing our stage once again to speak straight to the hearts of women in a way only she knows how. Known for her phenomenal energy and wisdom, Rabbanit Mizrachi draws hundreds of people to her talks every week, representing the full gamut of Israeli society. A mother, a qualified lawyer and the granddaughter of the former Chief Rabbi of Morocco, Rabbanit Mizrachi is a brilliant and creative Torah scholar in her own right.
• Rebbetzin Tamar Taback
Rebbitzen Tamar Taback is committed to the growth and development of the Jewish woman through classical, Chassidic and mystical sources. She combines her background in music, psychology, coaching and facilitation into a deep & transformative journey to which she invites women to discover their beauty and power. She is the founder of The Nexus School of Transformational Torah where her community explores where the light of Torah meets the lives of women in a real way. thenexus.org
• Rabbi Akiva Tatz
Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz is an international lecturer and author of note. He has written five highly acclaimed works on the deeper aspects of Judaism, some of which have been translated into Russian, French, Spanish and Portuguese. You can learn more about him online at akivatatz.com
• Rebbitzen Tzipora Heller-Gottleib
Consummate educator and internationally acclaimed speaker, Rebbetzin Tzipora Heller Gottliebhas been a full-time lecturer at Neve Yerushalayim College in Jerusalem since 1980, impacting the lives of thousands of women worldwide. She is the author of six popular books, including Here You Are, Battle Plans, and This Way Up.
• Sarah Yehudit Schneider
Sarah Yehudit Schneider is the founding director of A Still Small Voice, a correspondence school in classic Jewish wisdom that provides weekly teachings and holiday mailings to subscribers around the world.
Sarah Yehudit's most recent book is You Are What You Hate: A Spiritually Productive Approach to Enemies. She is also the author of Kabbalistic Writings on the Nature of Masculine and Feminine. In addition, she wrote Eating as Tikun, Purim Bursts I and II, and Evolutionary Creationism as well as essays published in a variety of journals and anthologies. She has also produced a series of Illustrated Video Teachings on Jewish Meditation, Paradox, and Choice vs Destiny which can be viewed on her Still Small Voice website.
Sarah Yehudit has a BA in Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology from the University of Colorado in Boulder. Since 1981, she has lived in Jerusalem, followed an orthodox path of observance, and immersed herself in the study of mystical texts. In addition she completed the program for advanced study at Neve Yerushalayim Seminary for Women. Sarah Yehudit teaches a variety of weekly classes in Jerusalem, teleconference classes to the States, as well as offering private instruction to individuals seeking a more personal encounter with text. https://astillsmallvoice.org/
• Devorah Fastag
Devorah Fastag has been teaching and lecturing on Jewish subjects for over 30 years, She is the author of The Moon’s Lost Light: What happens to a woman’s relationship with the Creator if she feels that women are His step-children, so to speak? This brief yet impactful book shares a Torah outlook on the relationship between gender equality in Judaism and the culmination of Jewish history.
• Rabbi Nir Menussi
Nir Menussi is a writer and speaker specializing in Jewish spirituality and psychology. He has written and edited numerous books on Chassidut, and lectures worldwide on the interconnections between Jewish thought and contemporary issues. He resides in Israel with his family.
• Rabbi Aryeh Nivin
Rabbi Aryeh Nivin is the founder and director of R’ Aryeh Nivin’s Chaburas and the research institute Machon HaAdam Hashalem based in Ashkelon, Israel. He was a Senior Lecturer for Aish Hatorah's Discovery Program for 15 years and is an international expert in Jewish personal development for today’s day and age. Each week he reaches hundreds of individuals worldwide, in both his private practice and weekly teleconferences, coaching community leaders, outreach professionals, entrepreneurs and executives, and Jews from all walks of life. With his down-to earth manner, humor and deep insights, Rabbi Nivin has spent 30 years transforming thousands of lives, helping individuals to live a life they really love.
• Nechama Sarah Nadborny-Burgeman
Nechama Sarah Burgeman has lived in Eretz Yisrael for the past 38 years. A Phi Beta Kappa in Cultural Anthropology with a minor in art history, she pursued Torah studies in many yeshivas and is an avid student of Rav Yitzchak Ginsburgh, specializing in the connection of body and soul. Nechama Sarah authored three books; The Twelve Dimensions of Israel, Israel and the Seventy Dimensions of the World and The Princess of Dan. She teaches seminars in the United States and Israel and on zoom where she teaches an experiential course emphasizing the feminine Torah; the integration of neshama and nefesh-soul and body. Her method integrates the Torah of the Ari z’l using movement and mediation which supports her students in reclaiming their authentic femininity and lost aspects of their souls, overcoming life challenges and creating a life where they are free to live according to their Divine essence. Nechama Sarah lives on her nachala in Eretz Yisrael near the keverim of Dan ben Yaakov and Shimshon Hagibor. www.12-tribes.com/
• Chana Bracha Siegelbaum
Rebbetzin Chana Bracha Siegelbaum, a native of Denmark, is founder and director of Midreshet B'erot Bat Ayin: Holistic Torah for Women on the Land. She holds a Bachelor of Education in Bible and Jewish Philosophy from Michlala Jerusalem College for Women, and a Masters of Art in Jewish History from Touro College. Rebbetzin Chana Bracha creates curricula emphasizing women's spiritual empowerment through traditional Torah values. She has published the following books: Women at the Crossroads: A Woman’s Perspective on the Weekly Torah Portion; Ruth: Gleaning the Fallen Sparks; The Seven Fruits of the Land of Israel with their Mystical & Medicinal Properties; Parasha Meditations for Spiritual Renewal and Strengthening Communication with the Creator and My Memoir: The Story of a Danish Jew who Fled the Nazis. Rebbetzin practices EmunaHealing as a gifted spiritual healer through Emunah, tefilah and energy work. Chana Bracha has a married son and several granddaughters, and lives with her husband and younger son on the land of the Judean hills, Israel. www.berotbatayin.org
• Orit Esther Riter
After being diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis 15 years ago, Emuna was the answer to Orit Esther’s personal healing, growth, and building a solid foundation with Hashem. So much so, Orit Esther, wanted to serve G-d daily, redirecting her culinary chef career, towards a more meaningful path of spreading Emuna in souls. Her goal is to ignite the lives of Jewish women, men, teenagers and families worldwide. Orit Esther is the two-time book author of the Turnaround series, Torah-based feel-good books. Traveling to speak to thousands of people, her widespread Torah-classes on Torah Anytime and online have built-up a reputation for Orit as a recognizable voice, encouraging all to see Hashem’s hand in everything that we do. When she isn’t speaking to crowds, Orit holds workshops, and runs a program she founded, the Emuna Or Energy Institute, one of the first Haskamah-approved Energy healing certification programs, enabling Jewish women and men to practice a permissible version of energy healing through Emuna. dailydoseofemuna.com
• Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky
Rabbi Yaakov Zalman Labinsky was born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. He holds an undergraduate Honors Degree in Psychology from the University of Manitoba and a Master’s Degree in Clinical Social Work from Wilfred Laurier University in Kitchener-Waterloo, Canada. After completing his Master’s Degree he was director of a substance abuse program for high-risk adolescents. He co-authored several publications on classical conditioning and psychoneuroimmunology and travelled extensively in Australia, New Zealand, South East Asia, and Europe.
His journey to discover meaning in Judaism brought him to Jerusalem, where he learned in Aish Hatorah for many years, and later received Smicha from Rav Kopshitz. He met his wife in Israel where they lived for 3 1/2 years before moving to Cleveland, Ohio, where he was a senior lecturer at Aish Hatorah for 13 years.
Currently he has a rabbinic counseling practice working with individuals and couples to enhance the spiritual quality of their lives. In addition Rabbi and Rebbetzin Labinsky recently founded the international organization Becoming Divine to further their global outreach efforts. They presently live in Cleveland with their five children. becomingdivine.com
• Rebbitzen Esther Wein
Mrs Esther Wein is an internationally recognized educator and lecturer for over 35 years. She is known for teaching subjects such as Parsha, Tefillah, navi, History on an intellectually advanced level, but gearing her shiurim towards students with all levels of education. With a strong text based and philosophical and Kabbalistic emphasis, she strives to expose students to fundamental and transformative Jewish ideas and their eternal truths. Drawing on great masters spanning from the Midrash, Rambam and Ramban to more modern thinkers such as the Maharal, Ramchal, Rav Hirsch, her grandfather Rav Shimon Schwab, R' Moshe Shapiro she excites and inspires her audience with the ingenuity and profundity that is hiding just beneath the surface of the text.
• Rebbitzen Mandi Kauffman
Rebbitzen Mandi Kauffman is a Rebbitzen at Aish HaTorah in Johannesburg, a gifted teacher of Rebbitzen Sima Spetner's Shalom Bayis and Chinuch methodologies and a Shadchanit servicing Johannesburg and beyond.
• Dr. Shelley Malka
Mom-Centered Parenting Coach for Growth-Minded Moms, EFT Master Practitioner and Trainer and Trauma Therapist ( AMT, AAMET), Mind-Body Nutrition and Eating Psychology Coaching (IPE), Ye'ud, Authenticity, Emunah and Marriage Coaching (Rabbi Areyeh Nivin), What would your life be like if you could calm down, think straight, move on?
• Rebbitzen Yehudis Golshevsky
Director of SHIVITI. She holds primary and secondary teaching certification from Yavne Teacher’s College in Cleveland, as well as a BA from SUNY Buffalo in Classics-Judaic Studies. Rebbetzin Golshevsky has been a well-known Torah educator in Jerusalem and abroad for twenty-five years, with students all over the world. She is a published author, editor, and translator... but teaching Torah is her first love. www.shiviti.org.il
Women’s Panels
• Lev Ha’Am
Founders: Keren Miller and Ahavya Levy. Lev Ha'Am is a movement that focuses on spreading Hashem's love across the world and hastening the redemption. At a time when we are all wearing masks, Lev Ha'Am is calling out to look behind the masks and see the beautiful souls in every Jew. At a time of social distancing, Lev Ha'Am is working to unite Am Yisrael and come together as one. At Lev Ha'Am we join together daily in tefilla through weekly zoom meetings to learn practical tools to unite and spread Ahavas Yisrael. We are looking to unite all of Am Yisroel in an effort to bring their individual strengths together to spread this message far and wide.
Rena Reiser
Rena Reiser, Mind-Body & Compassion Coach and host of the "Tune In" podcast, has guided thousands of frum women to reconnect to their inner voice, and create change in their lives. Rena's profound insights, unique skill set, and wise and patient approach make women feel "safe, understood and empowered" in her hands.
Goldie Weltcher
Goldie Weltscher uses EFT therapy and guided meditation to help women get in touch with their Neshama and experience Hashem's love, light and healing. She runs Kumi Ori retreats in nature for women with healthy food, to sing, create intuitive art, meditate, laugh and dance expressively. When women get in touch with and express their unique light and creativity, it brings incredible healing and joy to themselves and the world!
To download a free gift of 2 calming meditations, one for women, and one for children, visit neshamameditations.com
Devorah Yaffa Singer
Devorah Yaffa has been teaching Lights of Emunah workshops for four years in and around Jerusalem, Lights of Emunah will introduce you to practical tools to clear the blocks that interrupt the Divine Flow of blessing in our lives. g-ddirecttorah.com
Rebbitzen Yael Rivka (Joanne) Joffee
Rebbitzen Yael Rivka Joffe is a passionate Torah educator, an EFT practitioner and runs meditation and self-development workshops. Her Torah classes and private sessions are interwoven with Torah psychology guiding women to discover their essential selves and to live from their place of G-dliness.
Aliza Bulow
ALIZA BULOW is the Founder and Director of Core, an organization that supports women as they strengthen Klal Yisrael. She has been a scholar in residence or consultant in over 50 cities on 5 continents. From her service in the IDF to her work as a Jewish educator and mentor for educators and leaders over the past four decades, Aliza has touched the lives of thousands of women by “creating space in which others flourish.
Shuli Kleinman
Shuli Kleinman lives in Lakewood NJ. Shul is married with children and grandchildren and is an author who shares her spiritual journey in integrating Torah into daily life. Her involvement with Torah learning includes a broad range of sources. Shuli has been in supportive roles on many projects aiming to help women find the Torah principles needed to bring Ahavas Yisrael and love and awe for Hashem from within us into the world through our deeds, thereby revealing Hashem’s light.
Chana Deutch
Chana Deutsch is an international relationship coach and educator who specializes in helping women create connection and happiness in their lives and homes. By shifting the focus from shame to dignity, from control to intimacy, from feminism to femininity, Chana has become a beacon of light for women around the world who want to transform their relationships from a state of disconnect, struggle and lack of understanding to one of mutual respect, communication and intimate connection.
Chany Rosengarten
Chany G. Rosengarten is a Chassidic wife, mother of four young children, #1 Amazon bestselling author and powerful motivational speaker. She teaches empowerment, self care and boundaries in business, love, and relationships, and her online courses have changed the trajectory of many lives.
To work with Chany, sign up for a free phone call here
To buy my book, The Boundary Is You go to www.theboundaryisyou.com
Liba Markson
With the Feminine Rising into her Crown as the world context, many women and girls are feeling challenged and a bit shaken by the shifting landscape they experience both within and without themselves. So many women have this huge drive to know themselves deeply, outside of the roles they fill for others, and mold a unique identity that is creative, visible, and powerfully expressive of who they sense or know they came here to be. This is the stand that Liba Markson takes for the women she works with as a Women & Power Transformational Coach. She accompanies women on this journey of a lifetime that mirrors her own journey as well as the evolving, chaotic world we live in. Liba has the gift of translating the lofty concepts of the Feminine Rising into precise, activating processes and teachings that allow women to release a lifetime of blocks and hidden shadows and step completely into their fullness. The result is women who create lives of contribution, creativity, self-expression, and fabulous experiences, like love, spiritual growth, higher learning, and anything else they desire. Liba lives in Eretz Yisroel with her family and can be reached at libamarkson@gmail.com. In the Miriam’s Circle Dance, Liba will present the key stages women go through as they step into their power, some tools to work through these stages, and a case study that will be a conglomerate of the women she’s worked with to demonstrate what is possible for women today.
Rachel Leah Ismaili
Rachel Leah Ismaili lovingly flows forth her holistic OT skills, knowledge and the essence of her soul in consonance with her clients’ desires to move through pain and blockages as pathways to manifesting ones deepest desires. As a licensed OT she is certified in Myofascial Release, Torah Energy Medicine and Meditation. She has helped many women let go of unconscious holding patterns and trauma as its held in the body. Additionally, Rachel Leah gives weekly Torah classes and guided group visualization sessions.
Tzirel Liba Mitzmann
Tzirel Liba Mitzmann is a captivating singer/songwriter, speech and music therapist and inspirational speaker. Her soulful voice, passionate compositions, powerful storytelling and heartfelt messages inspire women and girls to build their spiritual connections to G-d, family and community. Through Torah insights, stories and original song, Tzirel's daily 3 minute "Shabbos Queen Project" audio messages are motivating women around the world to prepare for Shabbos, and enter the holy day with feelings of royalty and serenity.